ATTENTION: THIS PROGRAM HAS REACHED ITS CAPACITY FOR THE 2023/2024 SEASON (registration for 2024/2025 season will be coming soon)
The Game Ready Instructional Practice Program will consist of two separate phases. The first phase will consist of practices that will involve working on mechanics, hitting and fielding drills, catcher blocking and footwork drills, class room instruction, and video analysis training. During the second phase, we continue to work on mechanics and drills but will add simulated games. The simulated games will utilize Hittrax technology and a pitching machine. We will also utilize the large turf area (at the Game Ready Ready Training Center location only) and have 4 infielders along with a pitcher and catcher vs another group of hitters. Both phases will include CSA (Core Strength and Agility) workouts. You may sign-up as a group or as an individual. During the first two or three workouts, the coaching staff will be evaluating each player in order to divide the group into similar talent/skill set working groups. The coaching staff will perform monthly evaluations to track each player’s progression. Group rosters/working stations may change depending on the coaching staff’s evaluations. The idea is put each player into the best possible situation for them to succeed and develop into the best possible player they can be. This will include challenging each player at times by putting them into an older more advanced group. We will also build their confidence at times by putting them into younger less advanced groups.
Note: During the instructional practice program, pitchers will throw live to hitters. Hitters will hit live pitching once everyone’s arm is in shape. We typically start live pitching in mid to late February. Seeing live pitching and pitching to hitters during the off season is an excellent way to help the players get ready for the spring season.
Instructional practice program cost:
Cost: Practice Program....…$450 (3 months/12 sessions)
Payment options:
option 1: one time payment of $450
option 2: two $250 payments
option 3: three $170 payments
The Instructional Practice Program is offered at:
The Game Ready Training Center (located in the South Ankeny/north Johnston area).
3217 NW Prarie Ln.
Des Moines IA, 50313